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Host A "Wild West" Celebration On Your Property

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If you recently purchased an antique stagecoach and would like to show it off to your closest friends and family members, host a "Wild West" celebration on your property by utilizing the following tips. The stagecoach will make a great prop to use during the gathering and you and your guests can enjoy yourselves while taking a step back in time.

Stagecoach Tours Or Rides

Clean the stagecoach's exterior with automotive detergent that has been mixed with water. Spray the exterior of the coach off with with water with finished. Apply a coat of wax to the stagecoach to give its exterior a shiny surface. Add pillows to the seats inside of the coach's exterior so that guests will be comfortable if they decide to sit inside of it. Allow attendees to tour the stagecoach during the party. Take photographs of each participant so that they can always remember the day of the event.

If the stagecoach is in good condition, hire someone to hook up a couple of their horses to it so that guests can be pulled around your property and experience what it was like to live from the days of the past.

A Duel Reenactment

Ask friends or family if they would like to take part in a duel reenactment. Watch movies that depict pioneer days or borrow books from your local library that showcase days gone by in order to learn more about the way duels were held and share the information with the people who will be playing a part in the event that you are planning. Provide each participant with a holster, a couple fake guns, and clothing from the time era that you are trying to depict.

Instruct the actors or actresses to practice on your property, before the event is to begin. On the day of the celebration, set up a couple rows of chairs for viewers to sit in. Tell the audience to sit back and relax while they watch the duel unfold in front of their eyes.

A Historical Pub 

Create a makeshift pub underneath a canopy or inside of an empty room in your house. Set up tables and chairs, reminiscent of the time era that you are portraying. Arrange to have a variety of beverages offered to your friends and family and select someone to play the part of the bartender. To make things more interesting, place a deck of cards on each table and one on the bar so that invitees can play a few hands of poker or a similar game and really feel as if they are really experiencing history.

Your party will be a blast for everyone who attends. Your guests will help you celebrate the purchase of your stagecoach and you and they will feel as if you all are a part of the "Wild West", as well. For more information, contact companies like Arizona Stagecoach Manufacturing Co.
